Tap Cleaner | Polishing Gel | Rust remover| No-Bacteria (50ml)



  • Removes hard water stains, mineral buildup, rust, and limescale from taps and fixtures.
  • Helps to maintain the appearance and longevity of your plumbing fixtures.
  • Can improve water flow and prevent blockages in taps and pipes.
  • Available in various forms, such as sprays, gels, and powders, for easy application.
  • Some tap cleaners contain natural and eco-friendly ingredients that are safe for the environment and your health.
  • Tap cleaner New improved formula to get back the lost shine.
  • Instructions: Squeeze the bottle and apply a pea-sized amount of TAP CLEANING GEL to the tap to be cleaned. Allow the gel to rest for 2-3 minutes after spreading it across the surface. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat dry to remove any gel residue.
  • A pleasant fragrance with elegant perf
  • Surface recommendation: sinks, faucets, taps, and shower heads
  • Scrubbing may be required for heavy deposits.

50 ML, 5 LITRE


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