“Self Care For Mom’s: Finding your peace in the Chaos.”

I recall myself parenting with full of energy at the age of 20. Beautiful memories unfold in the long run of parenting, somewhere i feel we lose ourselves in the process of taking care of our loved ones. As a mother of two, a teenager and a budding teen frames my peace into pieces of advices pouring from every corner of the world . The title home maker doesn’t define a 10 to 5 job but the whole of 24 x 7hrs juggling between your kids and your family . The weight of societal expectations onto our shoulders should be dusted away, if not no mom in the world will sleep in peace. It’s the life long learning of how to be a better version of ourselves in each stage of our lives, which in return will help us to grow in the areas of skill – sets.

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why is it become that necessary to define our mental health and self care since in this world of technology where everything is just a touch away, we are been carried out in the name of comparison of our true selves and in the game of parenting, we just lose ourselves into so many knitted knots which we cant think off and that is directly affected on our mental peace, which we brawl at others to vent it out or just infuse into a volcano of feelings. In the run of morning routines, cooking, sports practices, clingy baby stages, working full time job, missing your meal times, I could go on like this but in this journey of trying to save your family and your house from falling apart we are lost ourselves somewhere. The lively I, fades its cherishing shades into the shadow of gradual journey and stressful life.

“A Mother’s Love Defines the True Source of love in Todays World.”

Embracing new knowledge and skills in 2024 , we can thrive to maintain our inner peace in our own mental state rather than searching for it outside. We all do have 24hrs in a day and how to use a time management tool and fill in our areas of interest between the parenting and work schedule will allow us to catch up a survival of breadth in our daily lives. Like for example making the most of the morning magic hour, exclusively for ourselves, its not that you have to wake up right away and start doing things so that you might fill in for “Oscars” in your next year for completing it on time, nah! ladies or guys reading out there your peace of mind matters than impressing yourself to the crowd around you.

The job of a mom never stops and her struggle is real, dirty dishes and a mess full house is a familiar story of each budding mom and that’s completely okay, as she needs to clock out into the shoes of motherhood no matter if its a holiday or a business meet, still she subconsciously plans out the perfect take possible and tries to map out peaceful life with her children. Few days scream out while few is in complete silence of no meals. So lets plan our days and make room for everything we want to achieve irrespective of the chaotic lifestyle. We can enjoy our own time, still nurturing our family life with the best possible and passionate corners of our life.

The Morning Magic Hour – The hour of the day where the whole world is still asleep and you can be in your own world of thoughts as fresh and energy provoking as one can be at the dawn of the first twilight of the day. Where you can plan your day or sip a cup of peace of your own choice. Meditate or pray ,just sit idle and gaze since its your time of the day.

Mid – Morning Break – To the stressful parents out there with no sleep or improper sleep, you can still afford your time of the day and turn it into your own productive time or happy hour of the moment and just get melt into it or take a call to your mom who has been gone through the same behind silent doors of the passed years.

Power – Packed After – Noon – One can make the lunch hour or the nap time of their toddler or a lunch break of their official hour into their own happy meal hour of the day. Treat yourself with your favourite meal or just add the an icing on the cake by inviting your go to person and making meal for them which will fill the room with sunshine of laughter.

Dancing Shadows of 4pm – To those who love long and chatty walks by the breezy sea side or the green parks, no age groups to consider as self care and peace of mind is everyone’s cup of tea. We are just different beings into many things to explore and our own choices to offer.

Bed Time Peace – We all crave for that one hour before sleep to nibble into the pillows of our dreams and bring out the best of your dinner times. We all have been gifted with good health set and life, take time to journal your gratitude or outgrow the mistakes along the day, come lets make the most of it and we all get to live life once, let’s not delve ourselves into strings of comparison nor clashes of ego.

Kids time – Enroll kids into the classes of productivity and let them unleash their potential and encounter their strengths and weakness one by one. Todays world offers an alley of universe to the working and non working parents ,its just our job to find out and educate them into the right track and help them build their own substantial structured life in today’s world.

We all are different terrestrial beings with peculiar tastes of interest so come lets all take upon a call of action of self care and a good health with peace of mind, which will shape our curious mindsets to build a relatable and healthy lifestyle . We should be a better model for our kids than a hanging mirror on a broken wall. Nurturing ourselves with the book of thoughts and clouds of knowledge, where everything is available to be upgraded in terms of culinary, fashion, Health and fitness, yoga – meditation, gardening, teaching, finance, time management, socializing, the list goes on and on…

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4 thoughts on ““Self Care For Mom’s: Finding your peace in the Chaos.””

  1. Selfcare for the tired mom doesn’t have time for herself is true.

    Find happyness in small things.,..,..
    Your love, your skills,walk,eat, sleep etc.

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